Industry Insights
The Value of Design
We’ve always maintained that one of the most important lines in any design is the bottom one. The value of design goes much deeper than looks. More than just a visual thing or a physical thing design is an action, and a way of thinking. And it’s good for business. If you’re looking for a marketing firm, branding agency or designer consider their ability to think as much as their ability to build something.
Recently, BusinessWeek released a special report on the value of design and how it can impact the bottom line. We’ve included links to the individual articles in the report below. If you’re wondering why you should develop a better marketing plan, re-brand your organization or redesign your website you’ll want to read these articles. You may even want to forward them on to your CEO and board of directors. If you’re ready to make improvements but just aren’t sure where to start feel free to give us a call. We’re already thinking about how we can help you. Here are the articles:
The Value of Design
The catalyst for this report on the value of design in business was the outpouring of reader comments that arrived after a bad-tempered blog post.
Why Design Matters
Good business outcomes treat design as a holistic process that pulls in savvy marketing and research, as well as smart ideas, says IDEO’s Diego Rodriguez.
The Value of Design to Startups
Design and marketing are way more important than engineering for consumer Internet companies, argues angel investor Dave McClure.
How to Redesign Health Care
The health-care system in the U.S. is a mess. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t opportunities, argues Dr. Jay Parkinson.
The Role of Design in Business
There are four basic areas in which design has an important role to play in value creation, say Ravi Sawhney and Deepa Prahalad.
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World’s Most Influential Designers - The people influencing global business and policy through the power of design.
Written by Jason Bouwman, RGD
February 5, 2010